I mentioned in class that my technology proficiency ranges between a 0 and a 1. I also said hyperbolic as one of my descriptors, but my rating really isn't an exaggeration. I have enough technology skills to have gotten here, so I haven't really done so badly. Probably the most I ever used technology was in an internship Spring 2016 where I had to update records on various Excel sheets. These sheets were already made, though, and editing them was easing. It's the creation part that's rough. As I continue my college career, it seems like everyone is finding new reasons to create excel sheets. They seem useful, but I just don't know how to work them.
I hope in this class to learn basic skills necessary to communicate efficiently and effectively in the modern world. Since information and learning are becoming increasingly integrated with technology, it's necessary to learn this skills to further one's own understanding at the same pace.
Here are my results from the in-class survey that we took. These results are spot on in accurately show my learning methods and practices.
For the first part of the results, I have just a 1 preference towards reflective learning as opposed to active learning. This basically means that I do tend to prefer working along and thinking through a problem prior to acting it out, but I also learn best by walking through the steps. Which is true, because a lot of times I try to read a problem, have a pretty fuzzy understanding of it, but then understand it once I've finished working through it one time.
The second part drastically favors sensible learning as opposed to Intuitive learning. For me, cold hard facts are easier to understand that abstract concepts.
The third part demonstrates that I have a small preference towards verbal learning instead of visual learning--essentially, tell me, don't show me.
Lastly, I have a strong preference towards sequential learning. I see things as a process where events build off of each other (this shows the history major in me) and I personally understand better when things are put into their proper sequential order.
What an informative survey! I guess I know now how I manage to retain all the class information.